Sunday, August 3, 2008

Catching up

I've been going nuts with the art journal, and kept meaning to post what I've been working on, but by the time I'd let things dry, I'd been hit with a new inspiration (or new medium to try out) and was already back at it.
I'll start with the newest page and the newest medium: a light modeling paste from Liquitex which I LOVE! I love it so much. I cannot believe I spent so much time trying to get the smoothest base I could find when I could have been making my own textures! This is the best invention since Arches hot-pressed paper. Which, by the way, I will be trying the paste on at some point, because the little journal is starting to feel too little. I think the next journal will be the 8.5" x 11".

The one before Anxiety: Schrodinger Koi

A spread where I was really playing around with printed papers, gloss medium and plain ol' white glue.

I have a few more, but they're not feeling "done" yet. I find myself going back and forth a lot, and even page one is not quite to the point I'm hoping for. I love being able to go back and change and fix or even to paint over it all and start anew. I am so in love with mixed mediums right now it's dopey.

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