Sunday, January 4, 2009

More from Book: The First

The first two pages are from the first chapter, and the third is from the fourth (insert a "who's on first" joke here).
The blissed out fish one is my favourite, and I think I'll have to do something else with him later. He and the Itself were done in watercolour with permanent ink outline.
The jelly fish came from playing around with my white Permapaque pigment marker (boy I need to try a batch of those! I've only got the white, and it's really awesome) and the white gel pen.
The tree was made with light modeling paste on the larger branches. I put a wash of raw umber ink over it once the paste had dried, then lightly sanded it and then rubbed some quinacridone orange over it. The sky is watered down chalk pastel with a wash of acrylic manganese hue over top, and the tree line is a mix of green, yellow and black acrylic with raw umber ink.
I need to find a better way to photograph these... they still look way better in person.


Anonymous said...

That is so cool your books. I have never known anyone too make books like the ones that you do. Very interesting.

mergatroid said...

Anonova! These are beautiful! I love your tree best, it looks so great. I want to play with those opague pens too, they look very cool. Lovely jellyfish, it makes me want to make more too! Blissed out fish looks very happy :)
I can't wait to see them in person!